Monday, 23 January 2012

You'll be surprised...

Ok so I personally believe life is all about experiences. To never doubt on regrets and just get on with life as things come. I find it funny when I tell people things about me and they get so shocked they actually question me about the subject. For example I listen to heavy metal, jazz, rock and classical music. Yes believe it.  My first ever CD was Green Day and first vinyls Peggy Lee and Alice Cooper. I am also proud to be the owner of the Star Wars soundtrack on vinyl too. I can truly say it’s the best vinyl EVER!!
                What else can I tell you about myself.. lets see…
I’m a massive comic book fan, they are the only types of books I can read. Other books I try to attempt I just fall asleep by the first couple pages or 1st chapter. Don’t get me wrong I have an interest in books but comics are just way more exciting and interesting, for me anyway. I watch up to 5 films a day. Not because I’m jobless, single and live at home. I actually have a pretty fun job, and in a lasting relationship.. but I do live at home. I mean come on. Paying rent … yeah not happening. Not just yet anyways. So yeah the 5 movies a day thing. I like to study directors and actors, new films aren’t really my forte. Don’t get me wrong I go to the odd premiere screening now and again, and why not. They got free food ;) I try to focus on black and white movies mainly, but also world classics. For example I watch Casino, Star Trek, Star Wars and Reservoir Dogs like every week. What can I say? I’m addicted.
Ok so enough about me. This is the deal. I’ve never blogged before but I sure do talk a lot and sometimes its just nice to get it all down on well… keyboard and screen. And tell the world my thoughts, experiences and advice. Because believe me, you’ll be very surprised on the type of experiences I’ve had and how much advices and thoughts I have racking in my brain to be given out. The next few pages I’ll be writing are my past experiences, the comical sides, the stressful sides and the sides you just want to let the f**k rip. Lets do this! 

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