One memory thats always stuck in my mind was the first time we took a family holiday to Ghana. At the time I must have been about 2-3 years old and not going to lie the biggest mummies girl in the history of mummies girls. my mum was telling me there was one night where she had to go into town with my uncle to get something, lets bare in mind, it's Ghana... town was FFAARR! She tried to sneek out of the house without me knowing so I couldnt cause a fuss but the first moment I heard the car engine turn on and my mum not in my eye range. The light bulb came on brighter then ever. I legged it to the front door trying to chase her down, but my aunty grabbed me trying to pin me down. But being the little spider monkey I was, was able to free myself from her grasp just in the nick of time. By then the car had just about to start moving so being the crazy monkey I was jumped on the moving car screaming my lungs out for my mums attention. At the time I thought it was a pretty freaking awesome thing to do, but then forgetting I was in Ghana with a very strict african family. Once she got my little monkey grip off the car my aunty dragged me back into the house and gave me the beating of a lifetime. I remember crying for so long but then thinking, jesus I'm like John McLaine from Die Hard. See whenever I tell my mates this story they always say "oh.. that explains a lot. So yeah thats just one of the stupidly mad tales of which behold in the Burndam household.
I keep thinking about how my kids are going to turn out, seeing how when I was as a kid I dont get how my mum did it. She is truly an awesome woman.
I keep thinking about how my kids are going to turn out, seeing how when I was as a kid I dont get how my mum did it. She is truly an awesome woman.
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