Monday 20 January 2014

The science museum..

So still at the age of 16 I was dating here and there, I remember this guy Tom. He was something else. Awful hair, a little chubby, no style and yet he made me laugh so much. I just didn't care what he looked like. He was absolutely hysterical!! He was about 17-18. Finally my own age :P
He came from a pretty well off family, constantly went on about his family trips around the world, swimming with dolphins, going fishing in various rivers and oceans and all this other stuff that just blow my mind. I loved all his stories it just made me so excited to see him. We met through friends and didn't go on an actual date for a month or so. And then I remember going to his house for brunch with he's mum and dad, and his mum saying to me "you excited for your surprise today?" I had no idea what she was on about, then Tom just scream "Oh thanks for ruining the surprise mum! God's sake!"
    Turns out he planned a date for us all week. His dad took us for a drive and then we ended up in kensington where we went to this cute little food store. Where he bought us a picnic basket and just told Tom and I to fill it up. So we did... surprisingly not with sweets but italian and spanish hams and also a cheese board with biscuits and cokes. Tom was just way beyond his years. He allowed me to explore different foods that day and just blow me away with his passion towards this date. We then went on to the science museum. One of my favourite museums even today. His dad left us there we ran in like two little children out of pure excitement, holding hands and taking in everything we could. I couldn't believe how much fun I was having with him. We just spent hours looking at everything. Then we took out picnic basket to the eating area. What was really cute was that he had a blanket, and laid it out on the ground for us. It was so sweet. I didn't even realise there were people staring at us the whole time, because their were chairs but he insisted :P
    Even till today that was one of my favourite dates. By far the longest make out session ever. I just couldn't stop kissing him sometimes. It felt like our lips just locked. Even though we were young I so could have seen just going further. We last about half a year then he had to move to Switzerland to go to another school. It sucked so much. I remember being at his house the night before he left. We just cuddled all day and night. I'd never felt that close to anyone before. It scared me because at times I thought I couldn't breathe without him. Even saying goodbye to his parents killed me. I think saying goodbye to him was one of the hardest things I'd ever done. He was my best friend. I remember seeing him off I brought my friend with me because I knew what would have happen once he got on that plane. I didn't want him to see me upset so I kept the smiles going. But as soon as I couldn't see him in my view I burst out crying, I couldn't stop it. I cried for about two days. We kept in touch for a while but then the obvious happened. We grew up. We moved on. We met other people. Young love.
Can be such a bitch. I sometimes think what hes up to right now. And whether he thinks about me at all. You never know.

The gardens...

I remember one of my first proper dates. I had just turned 16 and this guy I'd met in a coffee shop bravely came up to me and gave me he's number. Now clearly he was a lot older then me, of which I could tell straight away but just thought whats the harm. So for our first date he was being very quiet about it all. For a good couple of hours he didn't tell me where we were going. We went to one of my favourite parts of Regents Park, we sat by the pond and just pigged out on snacks and got to know each other. I noticed straight away it would be an epic day and he seemed really nice. We talked for hours about love, music, life, travelling, the whole shibang! Then it got to the part where I just had to ask how old he was. Now at the time I was thinking at least 22-25.. good lord was I wrong. He was 34.
    34!!!! I had no idea what to do, when I asked him how old he thought I was he said 22-24. Not going to lie I was pretty dan flattered but confused because I didn't think I looked that much older then I was. I didn't want to tell him the truth because he seemed so nice. But its never good to start something with a lie. So I told him, he freaked out for a little while and didn't actually believe me until I told him I just started college and stuff. The nice thing was that we still spent the rest of the date together because it was so nice. But when the sun started to go down it was clear that we had to end what turned out the be an awesome first date. I still remember what he wore strangely.. its like the first time you gave sex. If it's good you remember really great things about the experience which you just don't forget. He was so handsome. Tall, dark hair, white shirt, navy blue trousers, and converse. You can see why I was so attracted to him..... the converse topped it off :P
    What I loved most was that he didn't make me feel young or like a child in anyway. He was probably the first man I had ever met that was a true gentlemen. He got us in a taxi, took he home and kissed me goodnight. I remember there being this awkward moment after he kissed me because it was obvious we both didn't want it to end. He was truly something else.

The past two years...

Wow can't believe it's been almost 2 years since I've been on this thing. A lot has happened. I was in a relationship for a year... (an extremely boring one). Got to work in a few new places here and there, met one of my best friends in the world, finally figured out my career path and managed to confess my feelings for someone which I have been compressing for freaking ages now. Anyway enough of that, during the past year I have realised what it really means to be true to yourself. I have had to cut out a lot of people in my life to allow myself to push myself further and get over little things that were really digging at me.
    So this year is starting out the be pretty damn good. I've taken a break from dating for a little while to focus on what my goals are. Managed to get most of my tattoo pieces done just got my back to go and I'm done for the year..... =/. Yes, that's what I said last year but ... shut up.
    Ok, so the past few months have been quite interesting. It's been the first time in ages that I haven't dated anyone at all so its been a nice experience. Last summer was probably one of the best summers I've ever had. I was dating a guy who for the first time I completely took my guard down with. Obviously he was a musician.... :P He was probably the most stubborn, hilarious, argumentative, passionate, beautiful inside and out person I'd ever met and just made me feel like I never had to do anything to impress him. He took me how I was. Unfortunately he clearly wasn't ready for any of it and it ended but I can happily say, we are still great mates and I wouldn't change our relationship in the slightest. I mean I hate how it ended but that's life. Best just to move on and push forward.
    Work wise just getting to move forward with what I really want to do. But hopefully by spring I'll be doing my first course in wedding planning and taking it from there :) My family have never been closer, we laugh, cry and laugh even more together. My mum and I have definitely grown stronger, and my brother has and always will be my best friend.
    So I'm thinking of using a bit of my spare time more on this, just getting out some thoughts etc. The first chapter though, will be all about the men (mostly manchilds) I have dated since I was 16. Being quite a well spoken girl, athletic build and may I add good sense of humor. Really gave me the confidence to get myself out there and explore the world of dating. So sit back... get a cuppa.. and let's begin.

Saturday 18 February 2012

yippee ki yay....

You see as a kid I never grew up thinking I was pretty, or popular or smart. I was born with some really bad health issues which pretty much made me an outsider at primary school and secondary. I was born with severe eczema and asthma... if you don't know what they are.....

google it.

So anyways yeah having this condition I'm not going to lie made my life pretty crap growing up. I was teased all day and night about how weird my skin was, why i couldn't stop scratching and I had special creams instead of using dove and freaking nivea. Like seriously I got teased for not being able to go to a sleepover and use Amy's freaking nivea which apparently just wasn't cool enough to hang with the cool kids :P Ok so moving on from Amy's stupid sleepovers full of my little pony and minnie mouse. Oh and incase you don't know, I grew up on transformers, batman, die hard, ghostbusters and finally we reach.....Star wars. So my little pony wasn't really ever on my agenda at the time. anyways so yeah has eczema.. blah blah.. got teased throughout my childhood... meh meh meh... die hard.. yup yup yup. So there was this one day I finally got sick of the name calling and poking and staring that I decided to take action. And there was this one kid like 4 years above me who just loved to get on my nerves about it and loved to see me cry over it. Which I did a lot of. Like throughout the years I'm sure I could have created a new thames for crying out loud. So on this particular day I refused to take this kids crap anymore and said to myself the moment he tries it I'm going to tear out he's heart with it still beating in my hands. Just like in Indiana Jones :P ... God what a movie. Sorry I always seem to get off topic but yeah so it was just after lunch and I could see this lanky ass kid leaning on the wall of the playground as if he was the son of the bloody godfather with hes posse at hes side.

I could hear him calling me scaly face when I walked past. At first I just ignored him and thought be the better person. Violence isn't the answer. Then again John McClane would have kicked hes ass. And having watched Die hard so many times. One other answer was there then to beat the crap of out this kid.
So there I am walking back towards "lanky" and hes friends. Step right up to him and say.

"Shut your mouth, before I shut it for you"
at this point the kids got this shocked face on and hes posse start doing the typical.
"Ah mate you got told by a year 1!!"
And obviously he wasn't having any of this so he says to me.
"F**k off scaly before I do some damage"
Of which I then step closer and say
" Bring it lanky"
So then the "posse" see this as a challenge and start shouting out "fight fight fight fight fight", gathering a crowd around us. At this time pretty much everyone is cheering on this lanky f***er, probably because they didnt want to get their ass kicked. And hey, who's to blame them. I pretty much though it was doomsday for me, but I simply couldnt back down now. So things start to get pretty heated, we're just staring at each other seeing who gonna make first move. Then some absolute douche goes "Just deck her" and without any hesitation he punches me right in the eye... (like the pussy he is) so I'm on the floor holding back my tears when a rage inside me just takes over. I get up and climb on the assholes back constantly punching him in the head and kicking hes back till he fell on the ground. It took me a while but once I put him down. I kicked  in the stomach, back AND bum! wherever i could get my foot in really. Few minuets past and one of the teachers grabbed me and sending me to the headmasters office. Mr lanky was still on the floor crying like the little bitch he was.

I think thats the only day in my life I've felt ridiculously epic. And you wanna hear what topped it off the most, and why I remember it so well.

At home time I saw him getting picked up by hes mum. And I looked dead straight at him and simply went.

"yippee ki yay, mother f***er"

Now that my friends. Was a bloody epic day :)

Tuesday 7 February 2012

A Mothers Memories

I love those moments when me, my brother and mum are sitting around the TV just enjoying a good old film where something pops in my mums head about things she'd remember the funny things me and brother would get up to when we were kids. You see me and my brother are like best friends, we annoy the hell out of each other, tease the crap out of each other and beat the crap out of each other but hey, thats love for you.
One memory thats always stuck in my mind was the first time we took a family holiday to Ghana. At the time I must have been about 2-3 years old and not going to lie the biggest mummies girl in the history of mummies girls. my mum was telling me there was one night where she had to go into town with my uncle to get something, lets bare in mind, it's Ghana... town was FFAARR! She tried to sneek out of the house without me knowing so I couldnt cause a fuss but the first moment I heard the car engine turn on and my mum not in my eye range. The light bulb came on brighter then ever. I legged it to the front door trying to chase her down, but my aunty grabbed me trying to pin me down. But being the little spider monkey I was, was able to free myself from her grasp just in the nick of time. By then the car had just about to start moving so being the crazy monkey I was jumped on the moving car screaming my lungs out for my mums attention. At the time I thought it was a pretty freaking awesome thing to do, but then forgetting I was in Ghana with a very strict african family. Once she got my little monkey grip off the car my aunty dragged me back into the house and gave me the beating of a lifetime. I remember crying for so long but then thinking, jesus I'm like John McLaine from Die Hard. See whenever I tell my mates this story they always say "oh.. that explains a lot. So yeah thats just one of the stupidly mad tales of which behold in the Burndam household.

I keep thinking about how my kids are going to turn out, seeing how when I was as a kid I dont get how my mum did it. She is truly an awesome woman. 

Monday 23 January 2012

You'll be surprised...

Ok so I personally believe life is all about experiences. To never doubt on regrets and just get on with life as things come. I find it funny when I tell people things about me and they get so shocked they actually question me about the subject. For example I listen to heavy metal, jazz, rock and classical music. Yes believe it.  My first ever CD was Green Day and first vinyls Peggy Lee and Alice Cooper. I am also proud to be the owner of the Star Wars soundtrack on vinyl too. I can truly say it’s the best vinyl EVER!!
                What else can I tell you about myself.. lets see…
I’m a massive comic book fan, they are the only types of books I can read. Other books I try to attempt I just fall asleep by the first couple pages or 1st chapter. Don’t get me wrong I have an interest in books but comics are just way more exciting and interesting, for me anyway. I watch up to 5 films a day. Not because I’m jobless, single and live at home. I actually have a pretty fun job, and in a lasting relationship.. but I do live at home. I mean come on. Paying rent … yeah not happening. Not just yet anyways. So yeah the 5 movies a day thing. I like to study directors and actors, new films aren’t really my forte. Don’t get me wrong I go to the odd premiere screening now and again, and why not. They got free food ;) I try to focus on black and white movies mainly, but also world classics. For example I watch Casino, Star Trek, Star Wars and Reservoir Dogs like every week. What can I say? I’m addicted.
Ok so enough about me. This is the deal. I’ve never blogged before but I sure do talk a lot and sometimes its just nice to get it all down on well… keyboard and screen. And tell the world my thoughts, experiences and advice. Because believe me, you’ll be very surprised on the type of experiences I’ve had and how much advices and thoughts I have racking in my brain to be given out. The next few pages I’ll be writing are my past experiences, the comical sides, the stressful sides and the sides you just want to let the f**k rip. Lets do this!